7 Foods You Should Eat To Accelerate Hair Growth
Just as it is important to include foods that promote hair health in your diet, it is essential to avoid all those that may be detrimental to hair growth.
If you want your hair to grow faster and you no longer know what to do, pay attention. Maybe all you need is a change to your diet. On many occasions, food provides us with everything we need to solve small problems.
Regularly including a number of essential nutrients can stimulate hair growth and improve hair quality. For this reason, we recommend a change in dietary habits to adjust the pattern to individual needs. Read on to find out more about it.
Foods for hair growth
Next we are going to mention those foods that have a greater influence on hair growth. In this way you can emphasize its consumption.
1. Salmon
Salmon is a fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids. This nutrient is responsible for strengthening the follicles and stimulating hair growth.
There are studies that show the result of consuming these acids regularly for half a year. This reduces the telogen period, that is, the phase of hair follicles falling after catagen.
- Thus, the consumption of foods rich in omega 3 will help to reactivate growth.
- In addition, salmon is also rich in vitamin B12 and iron, which also help in this task.
2. Chicken
Chicken is a type of meat rich in animal protein, essential for producing keratin. This substance that makes up 80% of the hair.
- In the event that this protein was deficient for 2 or 3 months, the hair would stop growing at its usual rate and hair loss would appear.
- Other meats that can also be used to increase the consumption of animal protein are turkey and rabbit.
3. Almonds
This type of dried fruit is rich in vitamin E. This nutrient that helps activate hair growth and strengthen it. Some experts even affirm that the contribution of this vitamin can stop the fall of it, as evidenced by a study published in Dermatology and Therapy.
- It is enough to consume about 20 almonds a day to obtain up to 70% of the recommended daily amount of this vitamin.
As if this were not enough, they are also rich in other series of highly recommended substances for hair. For example, biotin, fatty acids, and B vitamins.
4. Oysters for hair growth
The others are not only a real delicacy, but they are also very good for the hair. It is a food very rich in zinc that helps hair grow faster and have more shine. It is enough to consume an oyster to obtain the recommended dose of this mineral.
If you can’t eat oysters every day, there are other zinc-rich options that are also very suitable for promoting hair growth. For example:
- Wheat.
- Liver.
- Beef.
5. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are rich in B vitamins. These are ideal to promote hair growth, as well as to improve the condition of the scalp.
- To avoid hair loss, you will have to add pumpkin oil to your diet. Thanks to its properties, it is a great complement to problems such as alopecia.
6. Lentils
Lentils contain a large amount of iron, one of the essential nutrients to ensure healthy hair growth. A serving of lentils contains about half the recommended daily dose of this food.
Also, lentils are rich in zinc and choline. These nutrients are essential to normalize the blood circulation of the scalp.
7. Egg
The egg is one of the foods with more protein that we can find. In addition, it provides a significant amount of vitamin B12.
If you consume this food regularly, your hair will grow stronger than ever and very fast. Try it and you will see!
Not recommended foods for hair growth
Just as there are foods that can stimulate growth, there are others that we must avoid if the goal is to have healthy, strong hair that grows at a good rate. They are those that present refined manufacturing processes and high content of sugars and trans fats.
- It is a series of products that cause swelling, alter hormonal levels and favor the appearance of fungal infections. This directly promotes setbacks like hair loss.
As for sugar, it can end up causing abundant hair loss, and even the breakage of hair follicles (with the consequent deficit in growth). Although this does not mean that you should eliminate the intake of sugars, since they have other properties, it is convenient to take this into account.
Finally, you just have to know how to control yourself and not abuse these types of products in your diet, and replace them with other healthier alternatives. The hair will appreciate it.