Foods That Benefit Your Lungs

There are certain foods that, due to their properties and components, could be helpful in improving some respiratory conditions.

The lungs, without a doubt, are one of the most important organs that the human body has. In fact, without them we could not live. As we always say, prevention is better than cure. For this reason, we present you some foods that benefit your lungs and can accompany medical treatment to counteract some discomfort.

Of course, to maintain the good health of your lungs it is important that you try to avoid tobacco consumption, that you do not expose yourself so much to urban pollution (try not to frequent those places with greater pollution), avoid chemical vapors and get wet or expose yourself to the cold of the night frequently.

Can we discover together the foods that benefit your lungs?

Foods that benefit your lungs

1. Garlic

Garlic is composed of elements that can help open your bronchial tubes and, thanks to this, you could help fight many diseases that are directly related to breathing, as this study published in the  Medical an Health Science Journal points out. Next, we will name you how you can achieve a magnificent natural remedy based on this magnificent food.

  1. You will need 10 to 15 heads of garlic.
  2. Mash them very well.
  3. Leave them to marinate overnight with a little thyme and olive oil.
  4. The next morning, and on an empty stomach, you should consume a tablespoon of this mixture.

You will see how you begin to notice that an improvement in the lung diseases that you are suffering.

2. Celery

Nutritional benefits of celery for health
Among the foods that benefit your lungs we find celery, an important ingredient when fighting diseases such as asthma, thanks to the fact that it contains apigenin, thus helping to oxygenate cells, as this publication of the Medical Journal of Babylon points out.

3. Lemon and eucalyptus

Lemon infusions with eucalyptus will be good recipes for respiratory fumes. These home remedies are widely used to cure different ailments in the lungs, but especially to achieve the needed expectoration. At the same time, they can help improve the conditions of the respiratory system.

In the specific case of lemon, thanks to its hesperetin content, it could help reduce excess sugar in the blood and alleviate allergy symptoms, as indicated by this research published in the Chemistry Central Journal  in 2015 in which the nutritional properties of citrus fruits were analyzed.

How to do it?

Boil two glasses of water with eucalyptus leaves and lemon. Once this preparation boils, begin to breathe the steam that comes out deeply, until the water begins to cool. Keep in mind that it should be as hot as possible so that you can get the desired results.

4. Green tea, one of the foods that benefit the lungs

Another food that benefits your lungs is green tea. Remember that green tea can help improve the intestinal microflora and diseases of the digestive and respiratory organs, as evidenced in this research published in  Livestock Production Science.

Also, according to a publication in  Chinese Medicine , green tea has been shown to have positive effects in preventing various diseases. Specifically, and to a large extent, its medicinal properties can be attributed to its catechin content, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate. 

5. Aloe vera

Aloe vera has surprising regenerative properties, as this study published in the journal  Pharmacy points out . In addition, it can also help you repair tissues due to its multiple antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as this publication of Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dermatology points out. All these wonders can be achieved in different ways, for example:

  1. Mix half a glass of aloe vera juice with half a glass of carrot juice.
  2. Drink it before every meal or in between. Remember that the higher its consumption, the more benefits it will bring to your body.

Finally, treatments based on natural products are an accompaniment to the treatment that your doctor has recommended. In fact, we recommend you consult with him before starting any natural treatment.

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