Water With Lemon And Chia Seeds: Benefits If You Are A Woman

Water with lemon and chia seeds is a refreshing drink, very easy to prepare that can be used in the hottest months of the year or after a training session.

The lemon is what comes to provide the refreshing and energizing touch, while the chia seeds provide a different touch and also some fiber.

If you are a woman and you are trying to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle, you can consume this drink as a complement to your diet. You will see how it helps you to regulate your intestinal transit and to avoid the consumption of industrial drinks (which contain a lot of sodium and sugar, two ingredients that are not very convenient for your health in general).

Homemade drinks, a great option

Sugar spilling from a soda can

Industrial drinks contain a large amount of sugar and, on the other, part sodium. Two substances that do not contribute to health, but quite the opposite, according to data from the World Health Organization.

Often you cook and eat with salt. This may seem like such a common issue that it is harmless, but the truth is that, many times, without realizing it, you can end up consuming this substance in excess.

Keep in mind that many foods already contain sodium and if you add more to it (when salting your meals), you are already consuming a certain amount of more; And if added to this, you consume industrial products (drinks and groceries) you may be ingesting even more.

The result of this can be translated – at least – in fluid retention. A nuisance that can undoubtedly cause a lot of discomfort on a day-to-day basis.

For its part, sugar can also wreak various havoc on health and promote the appearance of problems such as fluid retention, as indicated in the study entitled Effect of sugar intake towards human health.

Why lemon and chia seeds?

lemons on the table

Fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, such as lemons, allow the body to synthesize and maintain calcium. In addition, they are tasty and have a pleasant aroma, which is why they are usually appetizing for most people. On the other hand, their citrus taste is refreshing, therefore, they tend to be very chosen when it comes to fighting the heat.

Chia seeds are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants and proteins capable of positively influencing health. Due to their fiber content, they help to keep you feeling full for a longer time, which is why they are ideal to control anxiety about eating and at the same time, regulate intestinal transit, avoid inflammation and lose weight.

Additionally, chia seeds provide potassium and calcium, two essential minerals for the health of the entire body and the fulfillment of certain processes.

    • Potassium supports muscle function and the nervous system. It is also involved in the production of proteins from its main components, which are amino acids.
    • Calcium stimulates hormonal secretion, contributes to the maintenance of the health of the bone system (including teeth), participates in the transmission of the nerve impulse, and contributes to the activation of enzymes that serve as mediators in different chemical reactions.

It may interest you: Keys to not lose calcium from your bones

Recipe for water with lemon and chia seeds

Glass of lemon juice with chia seeds.


  • 1 lemon
  • Honey (to taste)
  • 1 glass and ½ of water (300 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (5 g).


  • Chia seeds must be soaked in half a glass of water (100 ml). This is always usually done when preparing a drink that contains them. After an hour you will see how they soften and that characteristic gel is created.
  • Get the lemon juice. Then, you have to mix it with a glass of water (200 ml) and with the seeds that have formed that gel.
  • Sweeten with a little honey and drink after your breakfast or mid-morning.

Drink it after training or playing sports

Water with lemon and chia seeds is a good option both to quench thirst and hydrate the body Like to appease your hunger a bit while an hour passes after you’ve finished your workout and you get ready to eat something, be it a snack or a main meal. Consume it in moderation and you will see how good it feels to you. 

Now that you know how to prepare this refreshing drink, you can start taking advantage of it whenever you want. Keep in mind that you can make various fruit drinks from these bases. So, start looking for the flavors that you like the most and try it!

Important note : keep the amount of lemon juice in moderation, because if you use it in excess it can cause stomach upset. If you have prepared the drink and it has been very strong, you can reduce it with water. 

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